Thursday, May 29, 2014

henry vinson

"If I pass a burning building and I stop and I run in and I save a baby, you know what the headline will be? 'Henry Vinson starts the fire.'That's just the reality".   My response is always "The wind blows freely in Parmalee".

Parmalee, Florida

In the 20's the town sported a post office, sawmill, store, and  turpentine operation before the supply of usable timber ran out.

Name:Attempted to conceal Identity
Location:New Jersey
Company:Home Computer
Source:They found you directly, meaning they either came through an email, a resume, or typed your web address in themselves, so this is probably someone you already know or recently talked to. 

What did this person find on your profile:

Viewed your Homepage(for 2 minutes 30 seconds)
Viewed your Homepage(for 10 seconds)